
March 23 - Multi-Congregation Worship and Young Adult/Youth Event at Canoga Park

Come celebrate Spring Break!

Simi, Ventura, and Santa Barbara - all other congregations and youth/young adults are welcome also

10:00 a.m. coffee and juice
10:30 a.m. Worship - Glenn Johnson speaking
11:30 a.m. - BBQ lunch after church
12:00 p.m. - Lawn Volleyball Youth/Young Adults, corn hole, ladder ball, outdoor live music by our band,         Congregational Spectatorship - bring lawn chairs and pop ups if you desire

Priesthood and Leaders Retreat: "What Is Truth?" (Apr. 25 - 27, 2025)

Join us for a special leadership retreat in peace and justice ministries exploring the impact of misinformation, disinformation, and divisive politics in our nation and communities. 

  • How can one obtain reliable information?

  • What is the impact of bias and confirmation bias?

  • How do we recognize logical fallacies?

  • Why is it important to consume a balance of information and opinions?

  • What are the implications for peace and justice in our own ministry?

Seventy Rob Heverling is the full-time pastor of the Community of Christ Council Bluffs Central Congregation in Iowa and brings a background as a news director for numerous network affiliate television stations in Cleveland, Little Rock, Buffalo and elsewhere around the country. Rob attended Graceland University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in English with a writing concentration.

Retreat Director: Glenn Johnson. Peace and Justice Minister for Community of Christ Pacific Southwest International Mission Center.

Please plan now to attend this exciting retreat. Register using the link below before April 10.

Come to Camp! PSI Reunion: July 26 - 31, 2025

I’m pleased to announce that Denise Leichter will be our director for Reunion 2025, and that Bishop Carla Long will be our guest minister. Our theme is “Choose Hope” and our relationships with each other in our cherished place to gather will allow us to work on hope with new listening and with practices of deep integrity. Our formative space living together will shape our lives to be God’s people of hope in worship, recreation, food fellowship, singing, learning and loving our time to be together.

Please join us at camp! Denise will be reaching out to many people to serve on the planning committee and utilized in implementing our program of deep hope.  Don’t wait for her call if you want to serve; you can contact her at

Plan ahead - registration will open May 1!

See you at camp!

'EGGS'traordinary Easter Day Fun at Escondido Congregation

Learn about the events of Easter Week and what it means to you. We’ll enjoy stories, games, crafts, food, and an easter egg hunt!

Lunch will be provided.

RSVP required:

Please RSVP to Ms. Suzy at 760-815-0584 or


4 years through 5th grade (Older children are welcome as participants or helpers by checking with Ms. Suzy.)


Escondido Community of Christ Congregation
1140 S. Maple
Escondido, CA 92025

Online Series: Peace Perspectives

A new, free online lecture series, Peace Perspectives is now available.

The Zoom sessions will open at 12:45 p.m. for a preliminary discussion with introductions and prayer from the host. Lectures in this series:

15 February: Nonviolence, with members of the Community of Christ Peace and Justice committee: Andrew Bolton of the United Kingdom, Rick Sarre of Australia, and David Anderson of the US. 

1 March: World Hunger will be addressed by plant scientist Dr. Earl Watt and the Outreach International team. The event also will serve as fundraiser. 

5 April: Max Pitt and Dennis Labayan (tentatively scheduled) will discuss State of World Population.

18 May: History of Lamoni will be presented by Eric Elliott, a history professor at Graceland University. This lecture will provide background for the Untold Lamoni Stories to begin in March 2026.

21 June: World Refugee Day will feature Rich Higdon and his Afghan interpreter, Akhtar.

5 July: For Day of Freedom, Gabriel Chrisman will talk about his big-wheel bicycle.

16 August: A lecture linked to World Humanitarian Day is anticipated but not confirmed.

27 September: Stassi Cramm, president-designate of the Community of Christ, will present The Role of Nonviolence in Living Christ’s Mission for International Day of Peace. 

11 October: For International Day of Women for Peace, a lecture by Sherri Kirkpatrick is anticipated but not confirmed.

1 November: For All Souls Day, A Celebration of Founders, Jim Doty will discuss Glaud Rogers, Ruma Swartzentruber will talk about her father, Ririfatu Maritanagi, and others are anticipated. 

7 December: Events planned for Human Rights Day include a Christmas Tea, with a special speaker.

Registration Open: 2025 World Conference

The 2025 World Conference, themed “Hope Is Here,” will take place from 30 May to 6 June in Independence, Missouri, USA, focusing on community, worship, and church business. This event will celebrate President Steve Veazey’s twenty years of courageous, visionary leadership and consider the call of Stassi D. Cramm to serve as the next prophet-president. Join us for this inspiring and historic event!

Registration and additional information can be found at the link below.

2023 PSI Event Dates Announced

Mark your calendars!

The official dates for Reunion 2023 are June 17 - 21, with staff arriving on the 16th. We will be hosting WBT again for the summer at Buckhorn.

Senior High Camp dates are June 10 - 16 at Whispering Pines in Arizona. There may be some school district conflicts, but we are putting on the calendar at this time.

SPEC 2023 will be July 14 - 22 with Crystal Moreno serving as the PSI leader for CALIZONIA.

MC Conference will be one day, on November 19th, in-person at Upland. Apostle Harmon will be our guest minister. There will be a SPEC FUNDRAISER that day.