March 23 - Multi-Congregation Worship and Young Adult/Youth Event at Canoga Park

Come celebrate Spring Break!

Simi, Ventura, and Santa Barbara - all other congregations and youth/young adults are welcome also

10:00 a.m. coffee and juice
10:30 a.m. Worship - Glenn Johnson speaking
11:30 a.m. - BBQ lunch after church
12:00 p.m. - Lawn Volleyball Youth/Young Adults, corn hole, ladder ball, outdoor live music by our band,         Congregational Spectatorship - bring lawn chairs and pop ups if you desire

CHFM (Centro Hispano de Formacion Ministerial) Courses

Los cursos CHFM se publican en el sitio web de la iglesia para la sesión de marzo-mayo.

Regístrese antes del 15 de marzo. Para otra forma de registrarse, los gráficos en la parte inferior contienen códigos QR activos.

CHFM courses are posted on the church website for the March-May session.

Register by March 15. For another way to register, the graphics at the bottom contain active QR codes.

Priesthood and Leaders Retreat: "What Is Truth?" (Apr. 25 - 27, 2025)

Join us for a special leadership retreat in peace and justice ministries exploring the impact of misinformation, disinformation, and divisive politics in our nation and communities. 

  • How can one obtain reliable information?

  • What is the impact of bias and confirmation bias?

  • How do we recognize logical fallacies?

  • Why is it important to consume a balance of information and opinions?

  • What are the implications for peace and justice in our own ministry?

Seventy Rob Heverling is the full-time pastor of the Community of Christ Council Bluffs Central Congregation in Iowa and brings a background as a news director for numerous network affiliate television stations in Cleveland, Little Rock, Buffalo and elsewhere around the country. Rob attended Graceland University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in English with a writing concentration.

Retreat Director: Glenn Johnson. Peace and Justice Minister for Community of Christ Pacific Southwest International Mission Center.

Please plan now to attend this exciting retreat. Register using the link below before April 10.

Come to Camp! PSI Reunion: July 26 - 31, 2025

I’m pleased to announce that Denise Leichter will be our director for Reunion 2025, and that Bishop Carla Long will be our guest minister. Our theme is “Choose Hope” and our relationships with each other in our cherished place to gather will allow us to work on hope with new listening and with practices of deep integrity. Our formative space living together will shape our lives to be God’s people of hope in worship, recreation, food fellowship, singing, learning and loving our time to be together.

Please join us at camp! Denise will be reaching out to many people to serve on the planning committee and utilized in implementing our program of deep hope.  Don’t wait for her call if you want to serve; you can contact her at

Plan ahead - registration will open May 1!

See you at camp!

"Hope Is Here" Adult Reunion Text Series

Center for Innovation in Ministry and Mission is excited to present a new series on the upcoming 2025 Reunion Adult classes shared by Headquarter leaders. These live ZOOM sessions are for those...

  • Teaching the classes as a preview

  • Who cannot attend Reunion

  • Who may have other duties during Reunion

  • Interested in an early presentation of this World Conference preparation

Participants can register for free on our website

Recordings of these hour-long sessions will also be available on our YouTube channel:

'EGGS'traordinary Easter Day Fun at Escondido Congregation

Learn about the events of Easter Week and what it means to you. We’ll enjoy stories, games, crafts, food, and an easter egg hunt!

Lunch will be provided.

RSVP required:

Please RSVP to Ms. Suzy at 760-815-0584 or


4 years through 5th grade (Older children are welcome as participants or helpers by checking with Ms. Suzy.)


Escondido Community of Christ Congregation
1140 S. Maple
Escondido, CA 92025

Black History Month Events

February is Black History Month in Canada, Germany, and the United States. Black History Month is celebrated in October in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands. The church is providing graphics for members, congregations, and mission centers alike to use online throughout the month.

You can download them here.

Additionally, the Diversity and Inclusion Team is hosting online sessions that may be of interest to you and your congregations. See below.

Exploring the Impact of Black People in American History

February 16

3:00 p.m. CST USA

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host a 60-minute session highlighting the often-unknown history of Black individuals who have significantly contributed to the culture and enterprises of the USA. A Questions & Answers session will follow the presentation.

Contact Heather Frey for the Zoom link.

Exploring Selected Enduring Principles in the Current Cultural Climate: The Worth of Persons Dialogue

February 23

7:00 p.m. CST USA

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host a session where participants will explore the Enduring Principle "Worth of All Persons" and its impact on diversity and inclusion within our community.

Contact Heather Frey for the Zoom link.

Exploring Selected Enduring Principles in the Current Cultural Climate: Unity in Diversity Calls for Action

March 23

7:00 p.m. CST USA

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host a session where participants will explore the Enduring Principle "Unity in Diversity" and its impact on diversity and inclusion within our community.

Contact Heather Frey for the Zoom link.

Exploring Selected Enduring Principles in the Current Cultural Climate: Recognizing that All are Called

April 27

7:00 p.m. CST USA

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host a session where participants will explore the Enduring Principle "All are Called" and its impact on diversity and inclusion within our community.

Contact Heather Frey for the Zoom link.

Exploring Selected Enduring Principles in the Current Cultural Climate: Embracing the Blessings of Community During Challenging Times

May 18

7:00 p.m. CST USA

The Diversity and Inclusion Team will host a session where participants will explore the Enduring Principle "Blessings of Community" and its impact on diversity and inclusion within our community.

Contact Heather Frey for the Zoom link.

Donate Items to Salvation Army Pasadena

Persons who would like to donate items to Salvation Army Pasadena may contact Peace and Justice Minister Glenn Johnson at (515) 217-2500 or Please no large or bulky items or individual items more than 80 pounds.

New or gently used items. No used undergarments and no torn items (except denim where apparently it’s fashionable). Thank you.

Reminder: Glenn’s car is a small economy car, so no excessively large loads without advance arrangements.

Welcoming The Stranger in PSIMC

“Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:1-2.

Recent international attention has been focused on immigrants in the United States being targeted for deportation utilizing unprecedented means and methods. “Sensitive locations” such as churches, schools, and hospitals which were once shielded by the first Trump administration from enforcement raids no longer have that same status.

Understandably, this has created uncertainty, anxiety, and fear among both citizens and non-citizens who fear being swept up in such raids in their homes as well as sensitive locations. However, the United States constitution and established federal law and precedent provides all persons with certain legal rights under the 4th Amendment that can help to alleviate the stress and fear generated by these threats.

Pastors and congregations now have access to a supply of “red cards” that explain these rights in multiple languages and provide a way for persons to slide the card under the door to assert these rights if immigration agents knock on the door. These cards may be made available at your congregation or presented to our members and other individuals as needed.

Links to PDF files in a variety of languages that you can print are provided at the end of this article. Printed cards in multiple languages are also available by contacting Peace and Justice Minister Glenn Johnson at

The protection and welcoming of immigrants is a value deeply rooted in Biblical tradition. As Community of Christ, we uphold the worth of all persons and welcome all people. Our statement on immigration can be found here. To review a series of relevant Biblical passages, please see this compendium from Yale Divinity School.


Online Series: Peace Perspectives

A new, free online lecture series, Peace Perspectives is now available.

The Zoom sessions will open at 12:45 p.m. for a preliminary discussion with introductions and prayer from the host. Lectures in this series:

15 February: Nonviolence, with members of the Community of Christ Peace and Justice committee: Andrew Bolton of the United Kingdom, Rick Sarre of Australia, and David Anderson of the US. 

1 March: World Hunger will be addressed by plant scientist Dr. Earl Watt and the Outreach International team. The event also will serve as fundraiser. 

5 April: Max Pitt and Dennis Labayan (tentatively scheduled) will discuss State of World Population.

18 May: History of Lamoni will be presented by Eric Elliott, a history professor at Graceland University. This lecture will provide background for the Untold Lamoni Stories to begin in March 2026.

21 June: World Refugee Day will feature Rich Higdon and his Afghan interpreter, Akhtar.

5 July: For Day of Freedom, Gabriel Chrisman will talk about his big-wheel bicycle.

16 August: A lecture linked to World Humanitarian Day is anticipated but not confirmed.

27 September: Stassi Cramm, president-designate of the Community of Christ, will present The Role of Nonviolence in Living Christ’s Mission for International Day of Peace. 

11 October: For International Day of Women for Peace, a lecture by Sherri Kirkpatrick is anticipated but not confirmed.

1 November: For All Souls Day, A Celebration of Founders, Jim Doty will discuss Glaud Rogers, Ruma Swartzentruber will talk about her father, Ririfatu Maritanagi, and others are anticipated. 

7 December: Events planned for Human Rights Day include a Christmas Tea, with a special speaker.

Registration Open: 2025 World Conference

The 2025 World Conference, themed “Hope Is Here,” will take place from 30 May to 6 June in Independence, Missouri, USA, focusing on community, worship, and church business. This event will celebrate President Steve Veazey’s twenty years of courageous, visionary leadership and consider the call of Stassi D. Cramm to serve as the next prophet-president. Join us for this inspiring and historic event!

Registration and additional information can be found at the link below.

Update on Swords into Plowshares Materials

The Swords Into Plowshares materials were field tested with the Anaheim Congregation last week, and we are awaiting course evaluations. We have added a new resource to the collection: a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation slides used during the course.

If you need the full PowerPoint file and videos, please contact Glenn Johnson at

Nov. 22, 2024 Peace and Justice Series: Swords into Plowshares

“Swords into Plowshares” is the first installment in our Peace and Justice Issues Series from Pacific Southwest International Mission Center. The resource is designed to be used by congregations to shape discussion around important issues of peace and justice. Each issue in the series will explore a different peace and justice topic.  

Peace and Justice Minister Glenn Johnson, who is working towards a Master of Arts degree in Peace and Social Transformation from Community of Christ Seminary / Graceland University, is available to meet with congregations online or in person to lead discussions based on the resources. As additional resources are released, we will feature them here in the update. Feel free to contact Glenn at if you have any questions or would like to get Glenn on your schedule.

En Español

A medida que formulamos un programa de ministerios de paz y justicia para el centro de misiones, una serie de estrategias y enfoques están entrando en foco para nuestros esfuerzos de paz y justicia en el Centro Internacional de Misiones del Suroeste del Pacífico. Todos estos se basan en la vida y las enseñanzas de Jesucristo. La semana pasada, en la actualización, incluimos un enlace a un nuevo enfoque que llamamos la "Serie de Problemas de Paz y Justicia". Estos están diseñados como recursos congregacionales.

Los recursos incorporarán el Modelo de Concienciación, Defensa y Acción, que es un modelo común para las actividades de paz y justicia. Los pacificadores participan en la creación de conciencia, abogan por el cambio y toman medidas que conducen a un futuro más pacífico.

La serie se basa en una Fundación de Principios Duraderos. Los nueve principios duraderos de la Comunidad de Cristo guiarán nuestra exploración de cuestiones y decisiones para la programación de paz y justicia. Como recordatorio, los nueve principios duraderos son:

Gracia y generosidad.

Sacridad de la Creación.

Revelación continua.

Valor de todas las personas.

Todos están llamados.

Elecciones responsables.

Búsqueda de la paz (Shalom).

Unidad en Diversidad.

Y bendiciones de la comunidad.

También estamos prestando atención a las Seis Lentes para Entender la Voluntad de Dios introducidas por el Presidente Veazey hace varios años. Elegir las mejores vías y enfoques para el ministerio de paz y justicia implica discernir la voluntad de Dios para nuestro ministerio congregacional y las prioridades del centro de misión. Como recordatorio, las Seis Lentes para Descubrir la Voluntad de Dios son:

Razón y conocimiento.


Experiencia personal y comunitaria.

Revelación continua.


Y consentimiento común.

Debajo de este vídeo, proporcionamos un enlace. Recientemente lanzamos Swords into Plowshares como la primera entrega de nuestra serie Peace and Justice Issues. La serie está diseñada para proporcionar un breve documento de estudio que se puede utilizar para explorar e introducir cuestiones de paz y justicia en un entorno congregacional. A medida que construimos este recurso, también esperamos proporcionar una presentación de PowerPoint para acompañar el resumen del tema, así como una guía de estudio para adultos para el libro The Nonviolent God de J. Denny Weaver, así que mira la actualización para obtener recursos adicionales en el tema Swords Into Plowshares, así como nuevos temas que seguirán en la serie.

Invito al liderazgo congregacional a que se ponga en contacto conmigo para que pueda visitar su congregación en persona o a través de Zoom para ayudar a presentar estos recursos. Que seas continuamente bendecido en el nombre de Jesús, el pacífico. ¡Paz!

English Transcript

As we formulate a peace and justice ministries program for the mission center, a number of strategies and approaches are coming into focus for our peace and justice efforts in Pacific Southwest International Mission Center. All of these are founded in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Last week in the update, we included a link to a new approach we’re calling the “Peace and Justice Issues Series.” These are designed as congregational resources.

The resources will incorporate the Awareness, Advocacy, and Action Model, which is a common model for peace and justice activities. Peacemakers engage in awareness building, advocate for change, and take actions that lead to a more peaceful future.

The series is based on an Enduring Principles Foundation. The nine enduring principles of Community of Christ will guide our exploration of issues and decisions for peace and justice programming. As a reminder, the nine enduring principles are:

Grace and Generosity.

Sacredness of Creation.

Continuing Revelation.

Worth of All Persons.

All Are Called.

Responsible Choices.

Pursuit of Peace (Shalom).

Unity in Diversity.

and Blessings of Community.

We are also paying attention to the Six Lenses for Understanding God’s Will introduced by President Veazey several years ago. Choosing the best avenues and approaches for peace and justice ministry involves discernment of God’s will for our congregational ministry and mission center priorities. As a reminder, the Six Lenses for Discovering God’s Will are:

Reason and Knowledge.


Personal and Community Experience.

Continuing Revelation.


and Common Consent.

Below this video, we are providing a link. We recently released Swords into Plowshares as the first installment in our Peace and Justice Issues Series. The series is designed to provide a brief study document that can be used to explore and introduce peace and justice issues in a congregational setting. As we build out this resource, we also expect to provide a PowerPoint presentation to accompany the issue brief as well as an adult study guide for the book The Nonviolent God by J. Denny Weaver, so watch the update for additional resources in the Swords Into Plowshares topic as well as new topics that will follow in the series.

I invite congregational leadership to contact me so that I may visit your congregation in person or via Zoom to help introduce these resources. May you continually be blessed in the name of Jesus, the peaceful One. Peace!

ATTN: Young Adults: Join The Circle!

Calling all young adults and youth/young adult leaders!

Parker Johnson, PSI Communications Specialist has created a new online community for young adults called The Circle.

This space is intended to provide young adults- as well as leaders working with youth and young adults- with a “third space” to gather.

“Third space” is a sociological term and essentially refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place").

The Circle is intended to be a space for networking, socializing, theologizing, planning, collaborating, mentorship, and even asking if you can crash on someone’s couch while you’re on a road trip.

Community of Christ members are some of the kindest, most generous people many of us have ever met, and one of the most valuable aspects of membership/affiliation with the church is access to its passionate people.

A few housekeeping items to be completely transparent from Parker:

🆓 This space is 100% FREE.
🌳 The Circle is an initiative offered by Cottonwood Creative, a cross-border marketing agency I started in 2021. I use my agency’s resources to give back wherever I can to social impact organizations and my own denomination: Community of Christ.

If you'd like to join, just complete the form to get started!

Peace and Justice Series: Swords into Plowshares

“Swords into Plowshares” is the first installment in our Peace and Justice Issues Series from Pacific Southwest International Mission Center. The resource is designed to be used by congregations to shape discussion around important issues of peace and justice. Each issue in the series will explore a different peace and justice topic.  

Peace and Justice Minister Glenn Johnson, who is working towards a Master of Arts degree in Peace and Social Transformation from Community of Christ Seminary / Graceland University, is available to meet with congregations online or in person to lead discussions based on the resources. As additional resources are released, we will feature them here in the update. Feel free to contact Glenn at if you have any questions or would like to get Glenn on your schedule.