Advent, Communion Video Messages Available — Pacific Southwest International Mission Center

Advent, Communion Video Messages Available

Community of Christ officials and others are featured in a diverse and inspiring new release of “Witness the Word” videos, available now on the Community of Christ YouTube channel and through Herald House.   

Three members of the Council of Twelve Apostles share sermons: “Creating Community” from Shandra Newcom; “Christ is Our Hope,” an Advent message from Catherine Mambwe; and “Come, Share the Table/Vengan, compartan la mesa,” a Communion message in Spanish from Angela Ramirez with English translation by Geri Silva.   

The new release also offers three Disciples’ Generous Response moments. Kees Compier shares a message regarding “The Gifts of Generosity,” Diane Maupin offers thoughts on “Growing Generous Disciples,” and Ken McClain provides a story of “Extravagant Generosity.”   

“Witness the Word” videos are available:  

  • On the Community of Christ YouTube channel “Witness the Word” sermon playlist.  

  • On the Community of Christ YouTube channel “Witness the Word” DGR playlist.  

  • As free digital video file sermon downloads on  

  • As a free digital video file DGR Moment downloads on

  • Soon for sale on DVDs featuring both sermons and DGR moments on  

To read auto-translated captions in your language, hover your cursor near the bottom of the video frame, click on the Settings button (looks like a gear), click “Subtitles/CC” on the list that pops up, then “Auto-translate” and the language you want to read.
