A new, free online lecture series, Peace Perspectives is now available.
The Zoom sessions will open at 12:45 p.m. for a preliminary discussion with introductions and prayer from the host. Lectures in this series:
15 February: Nonviolence, with members of the Community of Christ Peace and Justice committee: Andrew Bolton of the United Kingdom, Rick Sarre of Australia, and David Anderson of the US.
1 March: World Hunger will be addressed by plant scientist Dr. Earl Watt and the Outreach International team. The event also will serve as fundraiser.
5 April: Max Pitt and Dennis Labayan (tentatively scheduled) will discuss State of World Population.
18 May: History of Lamoni will be presented by Eric Elliott, a history professor at Graceland University. This lecture will provide background for the Untold Lamoni Stories to begin in March 2026.
21 June: World Refugee Day will feature Rich Higdon and his Afghan interpreter, Akhtar.
5 July: For Day of Freedom, Gabriel Chrisman will talk about his big-wheel bicycle.
16 August: A lecture linked to World Humanitarian Day is anticipated but not confirmed.
27 September: Stassi Cramm, president-designate of the Community of Christ, will present The Role of Nonviolence in Living Christ’s Mission for International Day of Peace.
11 October: For International Day of Women for Peace, a lecture by Sherri Kirkpatrick is anticipated but not confirmed.
1 November: For All Souls Day, A Celebration of Founders, Jim Doty will discuss Glaud Rogers, Ruma Swartzentruber will talk about her father, Ririfatu Maritanagi, and others are anticipated.
7 December: Events planned for Human Rights Day include a Christmas Tea, with a special speaker.