Featured Congregation: Escondido

We will be featuring congregations and emerging congregations periodically to share the good news!

This week we are featuring the Escondido Congregation!

Advent Play Day at Escondido on Dec. 4th provided fun, food, listening, learning, creativity, and more fun, for 12 children ages 5 to 13 from different congregations in the San Diego area. Suzy Hawthorne presented 5 stories of Advent and Christ's birth with a craft and game for each, culminating with decorating cupcakes and singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. Each child also took home an Advent bag filled with a different activity to do each day until Christmas. A joyful time for kids and adult helpers alike!

Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures from our Peanut Butter Sandwich Sunday activities! We already did it last Sunday for this month, so it will be January before we can take pictures. One Sunday a month, after a short worship service, we all gather in the kitchen and fellowship hall to make 150 sack lunches to be delivered to Interfaith Community Services. Interfaith provides breakfast and a sack lunch every day for homeless people, as well as counseling services, housing help, employment help, behavioral health services, and more. We are glad to contribute in a concrete way and have fun and fellowship together in the process.

Merry Christmas!
