Featured Congregation: El Cajon

We will be featuring congregations and emerging congregations periodically to share the good news!

This week we are featuring the El Cajon Congregation! Here are a few things happening there that might interest you.

  • This last Friday we fed our friends from AA. We served them breakfast following their meeting. After everyone was fed we spent some time with them. We wanted them to know how much their presence means to us. Having them here helps keep problems to a minimum and it helps them to be in a beautiful, pastoral setting.

  • On December 21, 2023, a Wednesday evening, we will have the "Longest Night" service. I think the service will begin at 7 pm. Georg Schild is bringing this special service to us. It is a chance to acknowledge, reflect and remember those who are no longer with us and that includes congregations that are no longer viable. There will be singing and candle lighting and time to share. Everyone is invited to participate and we expect this may be an annual service. I hope you can come to show your love for our special friends and family.

  • We are planning a very special Christmas Day Service. We will begin at the regular time (10:30). Cheryl Sharon is producing and directing a special service that we did several years ago. If you can be part of this service and not be brought to tears, you are way better than me. I know it is hard to break away on Christmas morning but I suggest you open a few gifts, have a bite to eat and then join us in service. The gifts will be even better later in the day. I hope you all can join us.

If you have any questions please let me know. We think of all of you as our special Church Family.

Cheryl Daily
Pastor, El Cajon Congregation